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Friday, November 3, 2017
7:00 PM - 10:30 PM


Jim Cummings


Jim Cumming hails from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and is a lifelong fish keeper, having been involved in this wonderful hobby for over 60 years.  Other than a fifteen year sojourn into the world of killifish he has kept and presently keeps mostly Central and South American cichlids, but he currently devotes about one third of his 40-aquarium fish room to Madagascan cichlids and the Etroplus genus from India.


Jim has given presentations on Madagascan cichlids and their plight to aquarium societies across the United States, Canada and Germany.  He also has extensive collecting experience in Mexico, Belize, Cuba, Brazil and the southern United States.

Jim maintains a very active YouTube channel with over 500 videos, highlighting the fish he keeps or has kept, with the emphasis on maintenance and breeding.


Jim has been a moderator for several social media and online forums, and has had articles published in AMAZONAS and Cichlid News magazines. He is also a Species Specialist and a speaker for the CARES program. He looks forward to enthusiastically spreading the word on this magnificent group of fishes.


Jim’s talk will cover the land of Madagascar in its current state, with a focus on the endemic cichlids, species profiles and their care, and protecting species from extinction by preservation and conservation.


We will have an Auction after the presentation.  â€‹For AUCTION TIPS AND GUIDLINES (the rules), and our AUCTION MERCHANDISE CHECK-IN FORM, click HERE .


Snacks will be provided.

©2020 San Francisco Aquarium Society, Inc.

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