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SFAS March Meeting

Updated: Mar 28, 2019

Thanks to everyone who came to the March 1st meeting. We saw another great turnout and Professor Anthony Mazeroll gave an eye-opening talk on the destruction currently happening in the Amazon basin. Who knew gouramis were such an invasive species. For me, the most convincing evidence of the damage was the satellite image showing the influence of the Pimental and Belo Monte Dams on the Xingu River, known for being the home of the L-046 zebra pleco. According to the NASA Earth Observatory, only ~20% of the original river flow makes the journey now.

Photo Courtesy of NASA Earth Observatory/USGS

Dr. Mazeroll and his team at the Amazon Research Center are working hard to preserve the incredible diversity found in the Amazon Basin. If you would like to travel to the source and learn more, they are offering summer courses in the Peruvian Amazon. Visit their website at for more information. If you shop on, you can support Anthony and his team by visiting and selecting the Amazon Research Center as your supported charity. Thank you to Dr. Mazeroll for traveling to San Francisco and speaking at SFAS.

Professor Mazeroll answering questions from members of the audience after his talk

There were some great items at the auction this month. Where else can you buy 4 adult sized sterbai corys for $5? Or sell your GIANT amazon sword plants for $21? Some other interesting items sold that night include some huge jungle val, corydoras schwartzi, and blue velvet shrimp. Next month’s meeting is the Mega Auction so there will be no speaker, but I’m expecting to see some awesome stuff that will be on sale. Become a SFAS member and make some side money by selling your extra fish, plants, and aquarium equipment or just come to buy some cool stuff for your aquariums!

SFAS attendees inspecting the auction goods

Jeff, SFAS Webmaster


Update 03-28-2019

There will definitely be a raffle at the April 5th meeting! Zenzo Tazawa and Kate Skinner bought great stuff from our generous supporter Lucky Ocean Aquarium (109 Balboa St in San Francisco) for the Mega Auction Raffle next Friday.

Raffle prizes include:  - 1 x Fluval Spec Freshwater Kit (5 gal) - 1 x Fluval Vista 16 Freshwater Kit (16 gal) - 1 x Current Satellite Freshwater LED

Fluval Spec Freshwater Kit (5 gal) for the raffle.

Fluval Vista Freshwater Kit (16 gal) for the raffle.

Current Satellite Freshwater LED for the raffle.

Thank you to Lucky Ocean Aquarium for their support! They have two aisles with big tanks full of fresh and salt water fish, piles of foods, tons of equipment, and other supplies.

Foods at Lucky Ocean Aquarium.

Tanks of fish at Lucky Ocean Aquarium.



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