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Spring MEGA Auction

Well the Spring Mega Auction lived up to all of my expectations. There was all kinds of stuff for sale, including a pair of full arm-length rubber gloves. Congrats to the lucky bidder who took them home!

The meeting started off with a few announcements from our Vice-President Bill Fish. Usually Bill or our Programs Chair Zenzo Tazawa will make the announcements.

We are fortunate to be have Aquarium Hobbyist Magazine as a club sponsor and they provided us with a bunch of copies of their quarterly magazine to hand out to attendees for free! If you haven’t heard of the publication they are a high-quality magazine that is free to the hobby. Their mission is to inspire people to learn about and enjoy nature by creating beautiful freshwater aquariums. Each issue is full of articles on interesting aspects of the hobby along with beautiful pictures of freshwater aquariums. You can view their digital archive for free at or subscribe to 1 year of hard copies for $16.

Like always, there were tons of quality fish, plants, and equipment at the auction including some of the following:

- 10 gal tanks, $3 each

- Anubias nana

- AR mini

- Assassin snails, $5

- Ramshorn snails

- Betta pair, $9

- Cobra guppies

- Julii cory x 8, $24

- Pepper cory x8, $24

- Koi angels x 5, $10

- L002 pleco x 1, $17

- Pseudotropheus

Congratulations to the raffle prize winners!

Next month we have Mark Duffill traveling from the UK to speak at SFAS on Loaches. For more information visit the meeting info page.

Jeff Jackson, SFAS Webmaster

PS: We've updated our Yelp page, if you enjoy going to SFAS meetings, leave us a review and help others find out how great the club is!



©2020 San Francisco Aquarium Society, Inc.

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